
This page will help you get started with Rently APIs.

Welcome to Rently Documents.

Increase your understanding of Rently’s products and services by reviewing our extensive information resources, including whitepapers, technical guides, reference material, webinars, reports, and more.

Here you can find the Rently API reference documentation and quickstarts. Simply click a tab at the top of this page to navigate to a specific area:

  • Rently (tour): we’ve included a Rently Tour integration guides, which allow you to sync property data into Rently, marketing your properties at Rently web portal, and send Rently notifications such as rental activities to your server.
  • Smart Home: Smart Home APIs allow you to both create info in Rently Smart Home and query information from Smart Home service. For example, you can query properties, create and update existing properties. Smart Home APIs provide rich interfaces to manage agent, properties, hubs/devices, reservations, codes, schedules, and invitations. You can also register webhook processing to send notifications to your services on many events.
  • Multifamily Schedule Availability: you can schedule visits, get calendar availability, and get community information.

Have any questions? Please contact joe@rently.com.