Lockboxes Report

Field NameData TypeLimitsDescription
lockboxString/VarcharMax 255 CharactersSerial number of the lockbox
addressString/VarcharMax 255 CharactersProperty address of the lockbox
unit#IntegerMax value 2147483627Property CRM Tag
accountString/VarcharMax 255 CharactersManager account name
memoString/VarcharMax 255 Charactersmemo of lockbox
last_activityDateTime with zone (eg- 2019-01-08 22:12:05 -0800)N/ADate of last unlock/unshackle code granted, in format of local time of server timezone (PST - 08:00 / PDT - 07:00)
created_atDateTime with zone (eg- 2019-01-08 22:12:05 -0800)N/AThe timestamp the lockbox created, in format of local time of server timezone (PST - 08:00 / PDT - 07:00)
updated_atDateTime with zone (eg- 2019-01-08 22:12:05 -0800)N/AThe timestamp the lockbox updated, in format of local time of server timezone (PST - 08:00 / PDT - 07:00)
assigned_atDateTime with zone (eg- 2019-01-08 22:12:05 -0800)N/ATimestamp lockbox assigned to the property manager, in format of local time of server timezone (PST - 08:00 / PDT - 07:00)
manager_idIntegerMax value 2147483627Account id to which lockbox allocated.
last_unshackle_agentString/VarcharMax 255 CharactersWho Unshackled for last time.
extended_codesBooleanTrue/FalseWhether lockbox has extended codes enabled or not
is_lockboxBooleanTrue/FalseWhether is a lockbox or not
last_unshackle_dateDateTime with zone (eg- 2023-01-17 23:00:08 -0800)N/AThe Timestamp of the last unshackle operation held on the lockbox, in format of local time of server timezone (PST - 08:00 / PDT - 07:00)
batteryIntegerMax value 100The last read battery level of Rently Blue lock
last_received_battery_dateDateTime with zone (eg- 2023-01-17 23:00:08 -0800)N/AThe Timestamp of the last battery level received from Rently Blue lock, in format of local time of server timezone (PST - 08:00 / PDT - 07:00)

Whether the lock is active or not

Note: This applies specifically to the CODEBOX lock type. For other lock devices, the default value will be FALSE, as they do not have an inactive feature.