JUMP TOIntroduction to Rently APIsOverviewTips to use Rently APIsHow to try our APIs in "Try It" playgroundWebhook Notification IntegrationRently Touring integration & APIsRently Integration SummaryStage 1: property data sync into RentlyStage 2: Rently Integration OptionsStage 2 Option 2: Rently Self Tour EmbedStage 2: Rently SGT Integration - SSO with JWTStage 2: CRM and Agent Assisted Registration Integration APIStage 3: Rently Report Data DictionaryLead Activities ReportLeads ReportProperties ReportPost Viewing Survey ReportLockboxes ReportILS Inquiries ReportPhone InquiriesVendor AccessTenant AccessAgent Showing SummaryProperties Summary ViewActive Agents ListAgent Login AuditStage 4: Rently Activities Notification via WebhookREST API: AuthenticationAPI Request Header SettingsLoginREST API: Third Party Unlock CodeLock Unlock CodeLock Unlock Code v2Hub Unlock CodeREST API: Rently Blue/Smart Bolt InvitaitonInvitation CreationInvitation DeletionSmart Home Open APIsAgentsLoginpostAccountsgetPropertiesList of PropertiesgetCreate PropertypostProperty detailsgetUpdate PropertyputChange CompanypatchDestroy PropertydeleteProperty DevicesgetMove-out all invitationsdeleteHubsHub ListgetHub DetailsgetUpdate Hub DetailsputAssign/Unassign PropertypatchList of DevicesgetSsh key for a hubgetMaster Code ResetpostGet Hub access token(To Be Implemented)getExpire Hub access token(To Be Implemented)postDevicesDevice DetailsgetUpdate Device DetailsputAssign/Unassign PropertypatchReservationsCreate ReservationpostReservations listgetResevations DetailsgetReservations updateputReservations deletedeleteCodesCreate lock codepostLock Code ListgetUpdate lock codeputLock code detailsgetLock code deletedeleteLock code statusgetRetry Lock CodegetGenerate random security codegetSchedulesCreate SchedulepostDevice Schedule listgetAll Schedules [Outdated]getSchedule detailsgetSchedule destroydeleteUpdate ScheduleputActivate Schedule for DeviceputWebhooksAppLevelWebhookgetActivityGet Hub's activitygetGet Hub's desired activitiesgetGet Device's activitygetMQTTGet MQTT Canonical UrlgetGet Cognito credentialsgetMQTT ResponsesgetInvitationsInvitation DetailsgetMove OutdeleteUpdate InvitationputCreate InvitationpostList of InvitationsgetMultifamily Availability APISchedule AvailabilityOAuth tokenpostList of communitiesgetGet availability for a specific date and timegetSchedule a prebooked visitpostGet Scheduled Tour Status e.g. scheduled, completed, show, no_show, etc.getVerify if a unit is active in RentlygetSinglefamily Availability APIsSchedule AvailabilityOAuth tokenpostSchedule a Prebooked visit for a PropertypostGet Property time availabilitygetGet Scheduled Tour StatusgetRental Application WebhookRental Application Notification Through WebhookPowered by Update lock codeput https://{base_url}/api/lock_codes/{id}Parameter FieldTypeDescriptionidUuidLock Code ID