List of Properties


page optionalNumberPage no. default 1
per_page optionalNumberPage size, default 20 max 100
home_name optionalStringProperty name
address optionalStringProperty address
state optionalStringProperty state
city optionalStringcity state
account optionalStringImpersonate account id (or) all
unit_code[] optionalStringProperty Unit Code. To search by multiple unit codes, you have to pass this parameter redundantly with different values. Example: To search by unit code values as 'test1' and 'test2' you need to pass parameters as: unit_code[]=test1&unit_code[]=test2
api_code[] optionalStringProperty Api Code. To search by multiple api codes, you have to pass this parameter redundantly with different values. Example: To search by api code values as 'test1' and 'test2' you need to pass parameters as: api_code[]=test1&api_code[]=test2
pms_datapull_id[] optionalStringProperty PMS Datapull ID. To search by multiple pms datapull ids, you have to pass this parameter redundantly with different values. Example: To search by pms datapull ids as 'test1' and 'test2' you need to pass parameters as: pms_datapull_id[]=test1&pms_datapull_id[]=test2
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